Jasper Elementary Announcements
Learning is our JAM!
Our Mission as Your Child's Educators: All kids learn at high levels.
Our Vision: Jasper Elementary is a school where learning is personalized through collaborative and data-driven lessons.
Mrs. Courtney Farmer, Jasper Elementary Principal
Breakfast: Bagel or Cereal
Lunch: Crispitos or Baked Potato

PeeWee Basketball Games Information
Home Games: Students will need to take their normal transportation home after school. Supervision will not be provided.
Away Games: If the bus leaves after 4:15 pm, students will need to be picked up or ride the bus as normal. There will not be supervision available after this time.
We ask that you have arrangements made for your student before school begins and let the office know.
Please talk to your child about how they should behave when attending basketball games, especially at other campuses.
Please make sure that you are at school to pick up your child as soon as the ball bus arrives back from the game.
Jasper Elementary PTO
Parents and teachers helping students succeed!
Follow us on Facebook - Jasper PTO
Kara Snider - President - karalsnider@gmail.com
PTO Dues - $10 per person
Please join Jasper Elementary PTO! We need your support and participation. Many of the events last year were thanks to PTO.