Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Plan

The Jasper School District recognizes that parents play a crucial role in the success of their children in school and commits to encouraging parents to be full partners in the education of their children. We want to work as partners with parents to help all children excel.

The school district has developed a parental involvement plan at both the district level and school level, as prescribed by Arkansas law and the rules of the Arkansas Department of Education but most importantly, because we want to create a caring partnership to support our students. These plans, which are reviewed annually, reflect the district's commitment to building parental involvement through the following components: communicating about school programs and student progress, recruiting family volunteers, involving families with learning activities at home, including families in school decision-making,  assisting families with parenting skills, and collaborating with the community to coordinate resources and services.

Campus Liaisons


Patricia Billups

High School
Brenna Journagn


Angella Mueller

High School
Lacie Bohannan


Current Parent, Family, & Community Engagement Plans

Jasper School District

Jasper School

Kingston School

Oark Schools